Been a while right, I've had a bit of a rough few months which has seemed to have accumulated in a mild breakdown and thus blogging was not a huge priority.
So, yeah. I am planning on writing a few very personal blogs soon, about some of my experiences with mental illness and try to explain what going though these things is like. I really want to do this as I study mental health and the phenomenology of these illnesses is very objective and easy to misinterpret. I'd like to shed some light into that.
My life has not been that exciting really, I've been going out, met some nice new people. Got money stolen, sang karaoke, drove drunken people home, attracted creepers, the usual sort of things. Oh and I have somehow managed to do university work too.
Yeah so.
Stay tuned.
Karaoke is lovely and I hope the drunken people didn't puke in your car. Looking forward to your own experiences, especially with regards to the fact there's that self-harm essay to write. I still don't really seem to grasp the concept of "phenomenology".