Monday, 15 November 2010


Hope. Hope is everything, isn't it? It's everything we want, the things we wish for, and the things we dream about and the things we want, however big or small.
Hope is so important. Some more than others have had those times, where there is no hope. A lack of hope can be the knife edge between being here, and being gone. Which is terrifying but hope is the thing, as awful as that situation is, which allows us to save ourself.
We hope for stupid things, and serious things. Hope is an integral part of our lives, and without it, life can be dark and the future bleak. Hope however, is that vague thought, that it won't last forever and that the future is far brighter than the present. 
Hope is many different things for many different people, hope is God, hope is family, friends, loved ones, hope is the dog, hope is seeing the sunrise, hope is one good thing amongst the bad, hope is the light at the end of the tunnel, hope is music, hope is poetry, art and singing, hope is driving at 12am and finding what you were looking for, hope is txt messages saying not to be scared, hope is a friendly face an a bleak day, hope is everything and everywhere.
But hope can be so elusive. It is only thing to hope for a better future, but in order to secure that regardless of how small or big you hope, steps have to be taken (however small and shaky). It's easy to say you hope for something but so much harder to do something about it. I think the first step is writing it down. Whilst I am on this topic it is worth checking out and also
These are both run by the the writer of (which I might add is a fantastic blog).
If you build it, they will come. Cheesy, but has a whole lot of truth.
As big or as small are the things we hope for, any step towards it, is a progress and a step forward from hoping to having.
Hope is everything, it moves us forward and keeps us going.
Without it, I fear the best people in my life wouldn't be here, and neither would I.
Hope is everything.
To name drop again, in terms of issues, To Write Love On Her Arms is a fantastic organisation giving hope for those suffering with depression, self injury, anxiety, eating disorders, addiction and similar problems. When you are suffering with any sort of problem, hope can be so elusive, but it is projects and organisations like these which help fuel that light at the end of the tunnel, and can keep us moving forward instead of static.



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