Sunday, 7 November 2010


I adore winter, it is one of my favourite seasons and felt like sharing this after all, this is what my blog is for!

Waking up on a cold winter morning, snuggled under the duvet, watching the pale grey light as the Sun attempts to get through the bitter cold. I love being able to watch the sun rise without getting up at 4am. I know for some people this makes it less special, but for me, it's something I can enjoy every day due to the late mornings. Winter clothes make me so happy. Wrapping up in layers and cuddling into scarves, hats, coats and gloves. I love the harsh cold winds that come with winter, and that feeling when you enter a warm house after being out in the cold. The fogging up of your glasses when you do this is a fond memory from when I used to walk home from school.

Lazing in a warm bath, trying to muster up the courage to leave. I love the beginnings of winter just before all the dead leaves vanish back into the earth. Leaves are everywhere, and the ground frost freezes them so that when walking through them they crunch delicately under footsteps. Watching the dog jump through and roll in all these frozen leaves is amazing and I love it!

A frosty morning is one of the most beautiful sights, everything is covered by a white cast that just sparkles when the Sun comes up and makes the world a bit more magical.

I must admit, I take no joy in de-icing my car though.

Christmas is one of the best parts of winter. I adore giving presents, it's one of the best things ever. Taking the time to get the perfect gift is fun and I adore it. There is nothing better than seeing their appreciation for it, rather than buying genetic gifts. Which is a little lame, but honestly, it is one of the main reasons I love Christmas so much. I would much rather give presents than receive them! The more exciting parts about Christmas these next few years is that I have a young nephew and in a couple of years time he is going to be really excited about Santa and presents and it will be really really exciting to see.

Snow is one of the greatest anticipations of the winter months. I remember being at school and as soon as it was cold enough to snow, always having the local radio on to see if school was closed for a snow day. I was even lucky enough last winter to get a snow day off of University! I adore snow. I am such a child, I love building snowmen and having snowball fights. Waking up on that first day of snow to see a unspoiled carpet of snow covering everything. It doesn't last long mind you.
There is also something quite special about watching your neighbours dig their cars out of the snow to get to work, and then see the slow realisation that they are not getting in, and later, see them building snowmen with their kids!

Spending New Year mildly intoxicated  whilst you watch Jools Holland is another fond one. Watching your friend down a bottle of Southern Comfort, miss new year completely, and spend the night over your friends kitchen sink is another good one. Oh and also breaking the hosts spare bed and throwing up over his friends. New Year is always fantastic as for me, it always feels like a new chance. For things to change and be different than the year before, to be better regardless of what life throws at you.
I love the amusing fitness dvd's that always come out in January and the abundance of diet programs, adverts and before and after articles.

The nice thing about the late winter is the brighter nights, but still with that pale greyness that seems to appear the whole season. February brings Valentines which is a hell for some people, but I think it is always nice regardless of if you have someone or not.  It's always great to show someone you love them, friends, family, or romantic peoples :). Then as everyone realises that spring is coming out, I love the hope that we may actually see the Sun again, except living in England the Sun does not appear until around July at best.
I love winter so much. I love the snuggly-ness of it (ok it is out of necessity but oh well!), the holidays that fall within it, advent calendars, being slightly fatter, the cold, the frost, the possibility of snow and just everything.

The only bad thing is that holidays like christmas make you miss the ones you love so much. But for me, it is a time to be thankful that you had them in your life and to relive the best memories you had with them. I fondly remember Christmases in Belfast when my Grandad was still alive and walking to the shop with him to get the paper in the cold. As much as I miss him, I am so thankful for those times and those memories.

So there we have it.

Winter = Good.
For me anyway, I know a lot of people hate it due it being cold, wet, dark and full of holidays. For me though, that is the best part (as much as I do complain about having frostbite, as I still wear shorts in winter as I am an idiot).
