Friday, 12 November 2010

Sex Standards and Double Standards.

I am not going to lie to you I have no idea how this post is going to turn out as I am struggling to think of things to write about.
Today however I read an article about the 4D man, and it was basically saying how there are all these different labels for different 'types' of men. I don't like this, but it made me think about all the boxes we expect men to check. A lot of the time we hear about hard done by women who are expected to conform to certain stereotypes, but I think it is just as apparent but not as well reported in men.
Men are expected to act a certain way, use certain language, dress in certain ways, react to women in a certain way, to read minds, be a gentleman, not be sexist, not be too gentlemanly to illicit terrifying consequences from women who might want to open doors for themselves. There is such a fine balance between being a sexist pig through being sexist, and being a sexist pig through being nice to a lady (i.e. opening doors - she can't do it for herself). I think females tend to look into situations a bit more than lads do, but I might be generalising too much. I think it is however, just as apparent as it is in women though. It's not ok for a man to grope a woman's arse and shout things at her, but it's ok for a drunken hen party to do it? No I don't think so. It's full of bloody double standards.
Which brings me nicely onto my second also badly expressed topic.
 I have a wonderful double standard, whereby I expect people to be nice and to comfort me if something bad goes wrong, but if it happens to someone else, I'm just like MAN UP! Of course depending on what it is and who it is. Also, people say things to me like 'You'll be fine' and I'm like...ok what, I'm not fine -crazy lady act- and then when someone else is having a tizwas I'm like...ahhh you'll be fine man.

I am an idiot, but we all do it. People expect other people to be nice to them, but we don't always expect to have to be nice to other people, and we aren't always nice! I expect people not to steal my car parking spaces, but I would probably steal one if I had the balls/was pissed off enough.
Relationships and friendships are probably the best ground for them. We expect people to be mind readers and to be there when you want them, regardless of life and work and school and stuff. However, when the shoe is on the other foot, we are completely different.
Ahh. I love it. I expect people not to be cold to me, but I appear/am cold on first impressions (and second...).
But that's life. Oh that's another great one I do. It's cool for me to say 'but that's just life' to people but when people do it to me when I am in a neurotic mess I generally become a mass of swear words and not a person.

So there we go.
I have really little idea what I am on about.
But NaBloPoMo! So needs must, sorry for the rambly ramble (more than usual!).


  1. I agree quite a lot with your points about double standards, having lived though such things as a guy, interesting read.

  2. I think we all operate double standards, just some more than others. We also maybe only get to see certain sides of people, what they allow us to see, I think unless you live with people over a period of time you do get to see all sides. So someone who might appear rude to you are not necessarily rude all the time and someone who appears to be happy go lucky cheery chap or chapess will probably have their moments of utter misery but not in your company. We are all very complex human beings!

  3. We are complex and simple as human beings depending on your view point. As someone studying evolutionary psychology, I am currently sitting in a place where I think people are far more simple than we may think. Though our thoughts may be complex, the basic needs are the same (if that makes sense). ANYWAY. Double standards are just something we have to live with, I agree that we all do operate them. I think that some people however get the idea that these are really wrong. I guess in some cases they are. It isn't necessarily about seeing different sides of people however. It's about doing one thing, but expecting another! Thank you for reading and your comment it is much appreciated :)

    Thank you for reading, it's nice to see someone agreeing with me ;) I'm glad you found it interesting. Thanks :) x
